Scientific Name : Hydrophis fasciatus
Family : Elapidae
Order : Squamata
Class : Reptilia
Phylum : Chordata
Other Name : Banded Sea Snake
Habitat : Tropical shallow water of estuaries, bays and gulfs also close to coral reefs.
Description : The anterior part of the body of this snake including the head and neck, is dark olive to black with pale oval yellowish spots on the sides, which may be connected as crossbars. The posterior part of the body is grayish and the underside is whitish. Young snakes may have dark rhomboidal spots that extend down the sides of the body and form complete annuli.
The total length of males is 1100 mm, while that of females is 990 mm. The tail length of males is 100 mm, and that of females is 75 mm.
Eels of various types comprise a primary food source (given the snake's slender head, prey of this shape would be easier to consume), but their diet also includes fishes of other body- shapes, including mullet-shaped or rabbitfish-shaped fishes
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by: Hajbun Tasnim Preety,Department of Zoology,University of Dhaka ; information; photo credit:Keith DP Wilson( DP Wilson), photo copyright: iNaturalist. more information please contact with us.