Species Details

@Ratmuangkhwang, Sahat

Acanthocobitis zonalternans

River Loach Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Acanthocobitis zonalternans
Family : Balitoridae
Order : Cypriniformes
Class : Actinopterygii
Phylum : Chordata
Other Name : Creek Loach
Habitat : Shallow and clearwater Stream,River
Description : River Loach is a cylindrical bodied fish.Head depressed.Small and semicircular mouth which is surrounded by fleshy lips.Tail compressed.Snout obtuse.3 pairs of barbels present- 2 rostral pair and 1 maxillary pair.
description written by: Razia Sultana Setu, Department of Zoology,Universityof Dhaka; Information sources: IUCN Red List Bangladesh-2015, Encyclopedia of flora and fauna of Bangladesh(volume 23).photo credit and copyright:Ratmuangkhwang, Sahat([email protected]),www.fishbase.se. more information please contact with us.