Species Details

@Syed Abbas,Birdwing,Bangladesh

Common Palmfly Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Elymnias hypermnestra
Family : Satyridae
Order : Lepidoptera
Class : Insecta
Phylum : Arthropoda
Habitat : Forests & garden
Description : The male butterfly has a blackish-brown upper side with a distinctive pattern on the forewing. It displays a subterminal series of elongated blue spots, which curve strongly inwards and become even more elongated towards the apex, forming an almost oblique bar that extends up to the costa. The hindwing features a broad bright chestnut terminal margin, sometimes with a lighter subterminal spot in certain interspaces. On the underside, the butterfly is pale brown, with the basal two-thirds of both forewing and hindwing densely covered in dark ferruginous transverse striae, while the outer third has sparser striae. The forewing showcases a broad triangular pale purplish-white preapical mark, and both forewings and hindwings have a broad purplish-white subterminal area. The hindwing also has a small white spot opposite the middle of the costa and a somewhat complete series of more indistinct whitish subterminal spots. The antennae, head, thorax, and abdomen of the male are brown, while the abdomen's underside is paler.

On the other hand, the female butterfly has a tawny upper side with black veins. The forewing has a broadly black dorsal margin and a black apical area extending from a curved line originating from the tornus, passing around the apex of the cell, and continuing a bit beyond it, reaching the base of the costa. Additionally, the forewing bears a prominent oblique white bar crossing preapically and three subterminal white spots. The hindwing features a dusky dorsal margin and a broadly black terminal margin, with the costal margin having a narrower black area. On the underside, the female butterfly resembles the male with tawny color and similar markings. However, the whitish markings are more extensive, and the dorsal margin lacks striae.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Zarin Tasnim,Department of Zoology,University of Dhaka;information source:IUCN Red List Bangladesh-2015, en.wikipedia.orgphoto credit & copyright: Syed Abbas,Birdwing,Bangladesh.more information please contact with us.